  • Side Draft Series
  • Side Draft Series
  • Side Draft Series
  • Side Draft Series
  • Side Draft Series

Super power, sa 1000Pa Pressjoni statika
Rata ta 'fluss ta' arja super, eżawrixxi d-dħaħen f'sekondi
Kontroll intelliġenti tal-ġesti AI, billi tħawwad idejk
50d(B)A Ħsejjes baxxi, kun aktar kwiet
Mutur inverter BLDC

Why named it the super powerful range hood?

01 (2)

1.This unit can collect fumes in all directions<br /> 2.The negative pressure coverage expanded to close to the cooktop, the fumes will be firmly locked in the moment it rises

<br /> We will never be anxious about the fume smells and grease once you got a ROBAM range hood A675S<br /> 4.3 times more static pressure approximately to the general rangehoods

Suitable to house kitchen,More powerful,more thoroughly<br />

50dB(A) low noise,Makes cooking more quiet

AI smart gesture control, by waving your hand

Easy-to-clean oil filter

Parametru Tekniku

Provvista ta 'enerġija 220-240V ~ 50-60Hz
Pressjoni statika massima 1000Pa
Storbju 50dB (A)
Input ta 'enerġija nominali 262W
Input nominali tal-qawwa tal-mutur prinċipali 260W
Piż nett 29.8Kg


Ibgħat it-Talba Tiegħek

Suġġeriment Relatat


Mexxej ta’ Klassi Dinjija ta’ Appliances tal-Kċina Premium
Ikkuntattjana Issa
+86 0571-86280607
It-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa: 8am sal-5:30pm Is-Sibt, il-Ħadd: Magħluq