  • Black Gold Series
  • Black Gold Series
  • Black Gold Series
  • Black Gold Series
  • Black Gold Series
JZ (T / Y) -B420

شعلات نحاسية عالية الجودة
قوة نيران عالية 17 ميجا جول / ساعة
مدخل هواء رباعي الاتجاهات يجعل النار موزعة جيدًا
حماية فشل اللهب
تفكيك الموقد
سطح سهل التنظيف

Brass features a high melting point and outperforms in thermal conductivity and heat dissipation.With a high degree of corrosion resistance, it remains durable and unchanged in shape for ten years. Stable and efficient air-inlet structure,full combustion with no residue.Undisturbed by the cupboards opening and closing Ingredients are evenly on equal terms, thus yielding invitingly bright colors and enticing you to take a bite at first sight.Ingredients are only partially-cooked, leading to charred and dull-colored pans 360-degree four-directional air outlet tunnels,food is heated more evenly, with all sides being cooked to avoid excessive burning. Easy-to-remove burner,the burner is easy to remove with simple steps,easy to take and handle, convenient in cleaning. Convex design, easy cleaning,oil stains are wiped off in seconds, leaving no trace. Flame failure device,when there is an accidental thermocouple flameout Explosion-proof Tamped glass Upgraded and reinforced ignition needle,such needle is wrapped in copper sheet, much less susceptible to be broken even by random collisions.

المقياس التقني

حجم المنتج (WxD) 600x525 (مم)
حجم القطع (WxD) 555x475 (مم)
سطح - المظهر الخارجي زجاج صلب
ووك شعلة 17 ميجا جول / ساعة
نوع الغاز الغاز الطبيعي / غاز البترول المسال
توريد الإشعال 10A قابس الحائط
دعم عموم Cast-iorn Trivest


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